Dashboard/Wallboard Fields

Dashboard/Wallboard Fields #

The table below shows which fields are available in each of the dashboard/wallboard tiles.

Agent Status #

While the stats below may be listed as working on a specific Tile/Grid, visibility of 'Agent/User/Queue Status' stats are also restricted by customer license level and user roles.

Field Name Communications
Tiles Grids Charts
Singe / Multi / Dual Stat Cycling / Ticker Circular Gauge Unreturned Call User Agent Queue Over Time
Agents in Away state All
Agents Busy on ACD calls All
Agents Busy on Non ACD calls All
Agents Logged on All
Agents in Ready state All
Agents in Wrap state All
Queues All
Time On Duty All
Time In Status All
Queue Names Logged In All
Queue Numbers Logged In All
Queue Names Member Of All
Queue Numbers Member Of All

Active Calls #

While the stats below may be listed as working on a specific Tile/Grid, visibility of 'Active Call' stats are also restricted by customer license level and user roles.

Field Name Communications
Tiles Grids Charts
Singe / Multi / Dual Stat Cycling / Ticker Circular Gauge Unreturned Call User Agent Queue Over Time
Active Calls All
On Hold Calls All
Connected Calls All
Queuing Calls All
Ringing Calls All
Longest Active All
Longest Connected All
Longest Ringing All
Longest Waiting All
Waiting Calls All
Active Incoming Calls All
Active Calls (inc. IC) All
Active Internal Calls All
Active Outgoing Calls All
Incoming On Hold Calls All
On Hold Calls (inc. IC) All
Internal On Hold Calls All
Outgoing On Hold Calls All
Incoming Connected Calls All
Connected Calls (inc. IC) All
Internal Connected Calls All
Outgoing Connected Calls All
Incoming Ringing Calls All
Ringing Calls (inc. IC) All
Internal Ringing Calls All
Outgoing Ringing Calls All
Active Trunk-Trunk Calls All
Longest Active (inc. IC) All
Longest Connected (inc. IC) All
Longest Connected Trunk-Trunk All
Longest Ringing (inc. IC) All
Longest Waiting (inc. IC) All
Parked Calls All
Incoming Parked Calls All
Parked Calls (inc. IC) All
Internal Parked Calls All
Outgoing Parked Calls All
Longest Parked Call All
Longest Parked Call+IC All

Agent Times #

Field Name Communications
Tiles Grids Charts
Singe / Multi / Dual Stat Cycling / Ticker Circular Gauge Unreturned Call User Agent Queue Over Time
Agent State All

Call Info #

Field Name Communications
Tiles Grids Charts
Singe / Multi / Dual Stat Cycling / Ticker Circular Gauge Unreturned Call User Agent Queue Over Time
Billing Code All
Call Direction All
Call State All
Call Type All
Outside Number All
Area Code All
Country All
Location All
Caller ID Name All
State All
Number Type All
Direct Inward Dial All
DDI Name All
Matched All
Overflowed In All
Overflowed Out All
Route Path Number All
Route Path Name All
Transferred In All
Transferred Out All

Call Times #

Field Name Communications
Tiles Grids Charts
Singe / Multi / Dual Stat Cycling / Ticker Circular Gauge Unreturned Call User Agent Queue Over Time
Last Answer Time All
Last End Time All
Last Start Time All
First Answer Time All
First End Time All
First Start Time All
Avg Wait Time All
Estimated Wait Time All
Longest Wait Time All
Answered Time All
Call Duration All
Hold Time All
Parked Time All
Ring Time All
Start Time All
Talk Time All

Call Times (%) #

Field Name Communications
Tiles Grids Charts
Singe / Multi / Dual Stat Cycling / Ticker Circular Gauge Unreturned Call User Agent Queue Over Time
% Hold Time All
% Hold Time (inc. IC) All
% Ring Time All
% Ring Time (inc. IC) All
% Talk Time All
% Talk Time (inc. IC) All
% Parked Time All
% Parked Time (inc. IC) All

Call Times (Average) #

Field Name Communications
Tiles Grids Charts
Singe / Multi / Dual Stat Cycling / Ticker Circular Gauge Unreturned Call User Agent Queue Over Time
Avg Call Duration All
Avg Incoming Call Duration All
Avg Outgoing Call Duration All
Avg Hold Time All
Avg Hold Time In All
Avg Hold Time Out All
Avg Ring Time All
Avg Ring Time In All
Avg Ring Time Out All
Avg Talk Time All
Avg Talk Time In All
Avg Talk Time Out All
Avg Ring Time Abandoned All
Avg Parked Time All
Avg Parked Time In All
Avg Parked Time Out All
Avg Conferences Overran All
Avg Parked Time Abandoned All

Call Times (Min/Max) #

Field Name Communications
Tiles Grids Charts
Singe / Multi / Dual Stat Cycling / Ticker Circular Gauge Unreturned Call User Agent Queue Over Time
Longest Call Duration All
Longest Incoming Call Duration All
Longest Outgoing Call Duration All
Longest Hold Time All
Longest Hold Time In All
Longest Hold Time Out All
Longest Ring Time All
Longest Ring Time In All
Longest Ring Time Out All
Longest Talk Time All
Longest Talk Time In All
Longest Talk Time Out All
Shortest Call Duration All
Shortest Incoming Call Duration All
Shortest Outgoing Call Duration All
Shortest Hold Time All
Shortest Hold Time In All
Shortest Hold Time Out All
Shortest Ring Time All
Shortest Ring Time In All
Shortest Ring Time Out All
Shortest Talk Time All
Shortest Talk Time In All
Shortest Talk Time Out All
Longest Ring Time Abandoned All
Shortest Ring Time Abandoned All
Longest Parked Time All
Longest Parked Time In All
Longest Parked Time Out All
Shortest Parked Time All
Shortest Parked Time In All
Shortest Parked Time Out All
Max Conferences Overran All
Longest Parked Time Abandoned All
Shortest Parked Time Abandoned All

Call Times (Total) #

Field Name Communications
Tiles Grids Charts
Singe / Multi / Dual Stat Cycling / Ticker Circular Gauge Unreturned Call User Agent Queue Over Time
Total Call Duration All
Total Incoming Call Duration All
Total Outgoing Call Duration All
Total Hold Time All
Total Hold Time In All
Total Hold Time Out All
Total Ring Time All
Total Ring Time In All
Total Ring Time Out All
Total Talk Time All
Total Talk Time In All
Total Talk Time Out All
Total Ring Time Abandoned All
Total Talk Time Trunk-Trunk All
Total Parked Time All
Total Parked Time In All
Total Parked Time Out All

Call Times (Average) (inc. IC) #

Field Name Communications
Tiles Grids Charts
Singe / Multi / Dual Stat Cycling / Ticker Circular Gauge Unreturned Call User Agent Queue Over Time
Avg Call Duration (inc. IC) All
Avg Outgoing Call Duration (inc. IC) All
Avg Hold Time (inc. IC) All
Avg Ring Time (inc. IC) All
Avg Talk Time (inc. IC) All
Avg Parked Time (inc. IC) All
Avg Parked Time In (inc. IC) All
Avg Parked Time Out (inc. IC) All
Avg Conferences Overran (inc. IC) All

Call Times (Min/Max) (inc. IC) #

Field Name Communications
Tiles Grids Charts
Singe / Multi / Dual Stat Cycling / Ticker Circular Gauge Unreturned Call User Agent Queue Over Time
Longest Call Duration (inc. IC) All
Longest Hold Time (inc. IC) All
Longest Ring Time (inc. IC) All
Longest Talk Time (inc. IC) All
Shortest Call Duration (inc. IC) All
Shortest Hold Time (inc. IC) All
Shortest Ring Time (inc. IC) All
Shortest Talk Time (inc. IC) All
Longest Parked Time (inc. IC) All
Longest Parked Time In (inc. IC) All
Longest Parked Time Out (inc. IC) All
Shortest Parked Time (inc. IC) All
Shortest Parked Time In (inc. IC) All
Shortest Parked Time Out (inc. IC) All

Call Times (Total) (inc. IC) #

Field Name Communications
Tiles Grids Charts
Singe / Multi / Dual Stat Cycling / Ticker Circular Gauge Unreturned Call User Agent Queue Over Time
Total Call Duration (inc. IC) All
Total Hold Time (inc. IC) All
Total Ring Time (inc. IC) All
Total Ring Time Out (inc. IC) All
Total Talk Time (inc. IC) All
Total Parked Time (inc. IC) All
Total Parked Time In (inc. IC) All
Total Parked Time Out (inc. IC) All

Call Totals #

Field Name Communications
Tiles Grids Charts
Singe / Multi / Dual Stat Cycling / Ticker Circular Gauge Unreturned Call User Agent Queue Over Time
Answered Calls All
All Calls All
Completed Calls All
Incoming Calls All
Short Ringing Calls All
Incoming Answered All
Incoming Completed All
Abandoned Calls All
Unreturned Abandoned Calls All
Unreturned Abandoned Calls (no filter) All
Incoming with Caller ID All
Outgoing Calls All
Outgoing Answered All
Outgoing Completed All
Overflowed In All
Overflowed Out All
Refused Calls All
Short Answered Calls All
Transferred In All
Transferred Out All
Trunk to Trunk Calls All
Incoming Unanswered All
Outgoing Unanswered All
Unanswered Calls All
Total Abandoned All
Total Abandoned (no filter) All
Conference Calls All
Conferences Overran All
Conferences Overran (inc. IC) All
Total Incoming Parked All
Total Outgoing Parked All
Total Parked All
Total Parked Abandoned All
Overflowed Out To VM All

Call Totals (%) #

Field Name Communications
Tiles Grids Charts
Singe / Multi / Dual Stat Cycling / Ticker Circular Gauge Unreturned Call User Agent Queue Over Time
% Answered All
% Incoming Calls All
% Incoming Answered All
% Abandoned Calls All
% Outgoing Calls All
% Outgoing Answered All
% Refused Calls All
% Completed All
% Incoming Completed All
% Incoming with Caller ID All
% Outgoing Completed All
% Overflowed In All
% Overflowed Out All
% Short Answered Calls All
% Transferred In All
% Transferred Out All
% Incoming Unanswered All
% Outgoing Unanswered All
% Unanswered All
% Conference Calls All
% Incoming Parked All
% Outgoing Parked All
% Parked All

Call Totals (inc. IC) #

Field Name Communications
Tiles Grids Charts
Singe / Multi / Dual Stat Cycling / Ticker Circular Gauge Unreturned Call User Agent Queue Over Time
Answered Calls (inc. IC) All
All Calls (inc. IC) All
Completed Calls (inc. IC) All
Incoming Answered (inc. IC) All
Incoming Calls (inc. IC) All
Internal Calls All
Outgoing Answered (inc. IC) All
Outgoing Calls (inc. IC) All
Overflowed In (inc. IC) All
Overflowed Out (inc. IC) All
Refused Calls (inc. IC) All
Short Answered Calls (inc. IC) All
Transferred In (inc. IC) All
Transferred Out (inc. IC) All
Incoming Unanswered (inc. IC) All
Outgoing Unanswered (inc. IC) All
Unanswered Calls (inc. IC) All
Conference Calls (inc. IC) All
Overflowed Out To VM (inc. IC) All

Call Totals (%) (inc. IC) #

Field Name Communications
Tiles Grids Charts
Singe / Multi / Dual Stat Cycling / Ticker Circular Gauge Unreturned Call User Agent Queue Over Time
% Answered (inc. IC) All
% Incoming Answered (inc. IC) All
% Incoming Calls (inc. IC) All
% Outgoing Answered (inc. IC) All
% Outgoing Calls (inc. IC) All
% Refused Calls (inc. IC) All
% Completed (inc. IC) All
% External (inc. IC) All
% Incoming Completed (inc. IC) All
% Intercom Calls All
% Outgoing Completed (inc. IC) All
% OverfIowed In (inc. IC) All
% Overflowed Out (inc. IC) All
% Short Answered Calls (inc. IC) All
% Transferred In (inc. IC) All
% Transferred Out (inc. IC) All
% Incoming Unanswered (inc. IC) All
% Outgoing Unanswered (inc. IC) All
% Unanswered (inc. IC) All
% Conference Calls (inc. IC) All
% Parked (inc. IC) All

Call Totals (Current Period) #

Field Name Communications
Tiles Grids Charts
Singe / Multi / Dual Stat Cycling / Ticker Circular Gauge Unreturned Call User Agent Queue Over Time
Incoming Calls (Current Period) All
Abandoned Calls (Current Period) All
Outgoing Calls (Current Period) All
Incoming Answered (Current Period) All
Outgoing Answered (Current Period) All
Calls (Current Period) All
Parked Calls (Current Period) All

Users / Devices #

Field Name Communications
Tiles Grids Charts
Singe / Multi / Dual Stat Cycling / Ticker Circular Gauge Unreturned Call User Agent Queue Over Time
Agent Name All
Agent Number All
Queue Name All
Queue Number All
User Name All
User Number All
Presence Availability All
Presence Message All
Presence State All
Queue State All
User Email All
User Primary Group All
Agent Licensed All
Queue Name All
Queue Number All

Miscellaneous #

Field Name Communications
Tiles Grids Charts
Singe / Multi / Dual Stat Cycling / Ticker Circular Gauge Unreturned Call User Agent Queue Over Time
Current Date All
Current Date / Time All
Day of Month All
Day of Week All
Current Time All
Current Year All
Manual Text All

Service Levels #

Field Name Communications
Tiles Grids Charts
Singe / Multi / Dual Stat Cycling / Ticker Circular Gauge Unreturned Call User Agent Queue Over Time
Answered ≤ SL1 All
Answered ≤ SL2 All
Answered ≤ SL3 All
Answered ≤ SL4 All
Answered ≤ SL5 All
Answered ≤ SL6 All
Abandoned ≤ SL1 All
Abandoned ≤ SL2 All
Abandoned ≤ SL3 All
Abandoned ≤ SL4 All
Abandoned ≤ SL5 All
Abandoned ≤ SL6 All
Answered ≤ SL1 (Current Period) All
Answered ≤ SL2 (Current Period) All
Answered ≤ SL3 (Current Period) All
Answered ≤ SL4 (Current Period) All
Answered ≤ SL5 (Current Period) All
Answered ≤ SL6 (Current Period) All
Abandoned ≤ SL1 (Current Period) All
Abandoned ≤ SL2 (Current Period) All
Abandoned ≤ SL3 (Current Period) All
Abandoned ≤ SL4 (Current Period) All
Abandoned ≤ SL5 (Current Period) All
Abandoned ≤ SL6 (Current Period) All
Answered ≤ SL10 (Current Period) All
Answered ≤ SL11 (Current Period) All
Answered ≤ SL12 (Current Period) All
Answered ≤ SL7 (Current Period) All
Answered ≤ SL8 (Current Period) All
Answered ≤ SL9 (Current Period) All
Answered ≤ SL10 All
Answered ≤ SL11 All
Answered ≤ SL12 All
Answered ≤ SL7 All
Answered ≤ SL8 All
Answered ≤ SL9 All
Abandoned ≤ SL10 (Current Period) All
Abandoned ≤ SL11 (Current Period) All
Abandoned ≤ SL12 (Current Period) All
Abandoned ≤ SL7 (Current Period) All
Abandoned ≤ SL8 (Current Period) All
Abandoned ≤ SL9 (Current Period) All
Abandoned ≤ SL10 All
Abandoned ≤ SL11 All
Abandoned ≤ SL12 All
Abandoned ≤ SL7 All
Abandoned ≤ SL8 All
Abandoned ≤ SL9 All
Answered > SLOver (Current Period) All
Answered > SLOver All
Abandoned SLOver (Current Period) All
Abandoned > SLOver All

Service Level Totals (%) #

Field Name Communications
Tiles Grids Charts
Singe / Multi / Dual Stat Cycling / Ticker Circular Gauge Unreturned Call User Agent Queue Over Time
% Answered ≤ SL1 All
% Answered ≤ SL2 All
% Answered ≤ SL3 All
% Answered ≤ SL4 All
% Answered ≤ SL5 All
% Answered ≤ SL6 All
% Abandoned ≤ SL1 All
% Abandoned ≤ SL2 All
% Abandoned ≤ SL3 All
% Abandoned ≤ SL4 All
% Abandoned ≤ SL5 All
% Abandoned ≤ SL6 All
% Abandoned ≤ SL10 All
% Abandoned ≤ SL11 All
% Abandoned ≤ SL12 All
% Abandoned ≤ SL7 All
% Abandoned ≤ SL8 All
% Abandoned ≤ SL9 All
% Abandoned > SLOver All
% Answered ≤ SL10 All
% Answered ≤ SL11 All
% Answered ≤ SL12 All
% Answered ≤ SL7 All
% Answered ≤ SL8 All
% Answered ≤ SL9 All
% Answered > SLOver All

Support #

Field Name Communications
Tiles Grids Charts
Singe / Multi / Dual Stat Cycling / Ticker Circular Gauge Unreturned Call User Agent Queue Over Time
Incrementing Date / Time (UTC) All
Uptime Counter All
Responsive Date / Time (UTC) All
Connection ID All
Connection Time All
Real Time Address All
Server Address All

Voicemail Info #

Field Name Communications
Tiles Grids Charts
Singe / Multi / Dual Stat Cycling / Ticker Circular Gauge Unreturned Call User Agent Queue Over Time
New Voicemails ~.pbx.kazoo.name.~
Avg Voicemail Message Duration ~.pbx.kazoo.name.~
Avg Voicemail Waiting Time ~.pbx.kazoo.name.~
Longest Voicemail Message Duration ~.pbx.kazoo.name.~
Longest Voicemail Waiting Time ~.pbx.kazoo.name.~
Shortest Voicemail Message Duration ~.pbx.kazoo.name.~
Shortest Voicemail Waiting Time ~.pbx.kazoo.name.~
Deleted Voicemails ~.pbx.kazoo.name.~
Saved Voicemails ~.pbx.kazoo.name.~